
Monday, November 12, 2007

Chili's chicken soft tacos with ranch = yum!

I ]ust got back from work/practice. I stopped by Chili's for a few beers and some dinner. While there I caught the beginning of MNF. Now home, the Seahawks are up 17-0. Hopefully they can continue to play well and I'll be 3-1 for the weekend.

Otherwise, it's been a fairly good day. I passed all but the Pre-trip inspection written test for my bus drivers license and found a driver for this weekends tournament. This freaking bus license thing is driving me crazy. Have you ever gotten your CDL? It's really hard. there's so many questions about s-cam brakes and how wide, long and low/high your vehicle can be that my head is spinning.

Anywho, we have our first official game tomorrow. I think we're going to get our butts kicked, but who knows. We'll at least play decent defense.

Oh, I came up with a catchy little phrase today, "Offense puts butts in the seats, but defense puts trophies on the shelves". Can I fairly take credit for this, or has it been used before?

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