
Friday, December 28, 2007

My picks are moving

I'm now posting my picks at The picks are still 100% free, I only ask that you support the site by visiting the advertisements on the page.

Good luck!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm early this week...

Here are my picks for the weekend. I'm off to Claremore, OK for a wonderful beerless Christmas :(.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers-6
Miami Dolphins+22
Minnesota Vikings -6.5
San Diego Chargers -9
Seattle Seahawks -10.5 (if puts the line up...)

Merry Christmas and Good Luck!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

No go tonight

I don't like tonight's Steelers/Rams game. Both teams stink ATS.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hold your breath

I'm taking a bunch of favorites. I don't normally like to do this, but who can argue with the computer. Actually, I'm simply looking at the ATS records on most of these. Nothing too tricky. If I get my butt kicked remind me not to do that next week.

Here they are:

Tennessee Titans -4
New England Patriots -21 (ouch)
Cleveland Browns -6
Arizona Cardinals +4 (the only underdog of the day)
Seattle Seahawks -7.5
Green Bay Packers -7.5
San Diego Chargers -10
Indianapolis Colts -11

Good Luck!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

No pick

I'm not taking a side in tonight's Cincy/49er game. I think the Bengals are giving about 3 too many, but as bad as the niners are they might get beat by 12. Too tough to call.

Thursday's pick

With basketball in full swing my schedule is pretty hectic. I didn't have time to post my Thursday night pick, but it was the Texans getting 2 points. Obviously they covered. If I take a side on tonights 49er/Bengal game I'll post it this evening.

Good luck!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Today's pick

I only have one pick today. We're going with the Giants +3.

Good luck!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Today's picks

Sorry I haven't posted in a week, but I'm very busy with the crappy JV basketball team I coach. I guess they fit perfectly with the crappy picks I've been making the last two weeks.

Here they are, gamble at your own risk:

Atlanta +3.5
Jax +7
Frisco +3
Giants -1.5
Pitt -7

Good luck!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Today's picks

I've got loads of them today. Sorry they're so late. I overslept and am ]ust now finishing them up. But hey, you get what you pay for :).

Buffalo +9
Giants -7.5
Saints -3
Bucs -3.5
Denver +1
San Diego -9
Pittsburgh -16

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey everyone. No picks today. I wanted to have at least one game, but there's nothing that looks good. If you must bet, take GB -3.5 and Indy -12.5, but be aware. I'm not going to play those picks. The lines are a bit high.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

This week's picks

Alright, here they are.

I'm taking Atlanta +3, Detroit +3 and the Titans +1.5.

Only three picks. Stupid is really getting greedy with their lines. I generally don't like to bet anything that is more than a -110, but right now my account is with bodog. I'll be changing to someone else ASAP.

Good Luck!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An Ugly Win

Sorry I didn't post last night. I didn't get home until about 11:30 and went straight to bed.

The JV team I coach won 39-32. Not pretty, as a matter of fact the other team "out-sorried" us. It's a win nonetheless.

The varsity lost. We've got nothing but scaredy cats on that squad. It may be a long year...

I'll have my picks up this weekend. Hopefully we can build on that 3-1 start of last week.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Chili's chicken soft tacos with ranch = yum!

I ]ust got back from work/practice. I stopped by Chili's for a few beers and some dinner. While there I caught the beginning of MNF. Now home, the Seahawks are up 17-0. Hopefully they can continue to play well and I'll be 3-1 for the weekend.

Otherwise, it's been a fairly good day. I passed all but the Pre-trip inspection written test for my bus drivers license and found a driver for this weekends tournament. This freaking bus license thing is driving me crazy. Have you ever gotten your CDL? It's really hard. there's so many questions about s-cam brakes and how wide, long and low/high your vehicle can be that my head is spinning.

Anywho, we have our first official game tomorrow. I think we're going to get our butts kicked, but who knows. We'll at least play decent defense.

Oh, I came up with a catchy little phrase today, "Offense puts butts in the seats, but defense puts trophies on the shelves". Can I fairly take credit for this, or has it been used before?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Damn Redskins

It was an okay day footballwise. Green Bay won easily and Atlanta finally got a win. If the Redskins could play defense I'd have been undefeated for the day.

Tomorrow we've got Seattle...

Why not share my picks?

I love to gamble, and since finding the Organized Sports Betting program several years ago I have had great success with the NFL and NBA. It's ]ust too bad that the guy who developed the program disappeared into the abyss. I'd love to refer people to his program. He'd make a pretty penny from my referrals. Since he's not around I'll give you my picks his program gave me.

Today I'm taking:

Green Bay -6
Washington -3
Atlanta +3.5
Seattle -10

Good luck!!